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Marie Jo Lisbeth Padded Bra Heartshape

PLN 469.00

Viva la vida

  • Viva la vida | Marie Jo
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Free deliveries above PLN 299
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Product description

Marie Jo Lisbeth is the height of fashion and fits like a dream. The floral lace in a surprising print with black edging on gray fabric make this series a unique must-have.

  • The padded bra creates a heart shape at the cleavage. The cups plunge all the way from the lowest point of the bridge upwards to the sides to support the curve of your breasts.
  • Viva la vida can be described as a warm explosion of color that is easy to match to your clothing and flattering to all skin tones.

Care & materials

Our style and size advice:
This heart-shaped bra creates the perfect amount of lift and separation, without the drama of a push-up bra. A natural-looking cleavage guaranteed! Romantic and tomboyish at the same time: that’s Lisbeth! The combination of fashion & fit is what makes this series so successful.



3 customers left a review
  • Ursula Fischer
    Bought Marie Jo LISBETH in grey in 95D
    Superschön. Passt sehr gut, wäre auch ein schönes Bikinioberteil.
    Verified by Trustpilot
  • Stefanie Freise
    Bought Marie Jo LISBETH in grey in 95B
    Geschmackvolles Design Fühlt sich gut an
    Verified by Trustpilot
  • Martina Mertens
    Bought Marie Jo LISBETH in grey in 90D
    Gute Passform aber die Spitze hat mir in Natura nicht so gut gefallen
    Verified by Trustpilot